OSI Sustainability Report: A Close Look at Our Progress Towards 2025 Goals

December 17, 2020
In 2016, OSI took its first big step toward sharing more about our sustainability journey with the publication of our first Global Sustainability Report. While we had been reporting on our sustainability activities since 2010, the 2016-2017 report was the first integration of our sustainability efforts into a single narrative from around the globe.
The recent publication of our third sustainability report, “,,Growing Together,” advances that commitment to sharing through an even more methodical approach to measuring our progress toward goals we passionately care about.
This approach, OSI President and Chief Operating Officer Dave McDonald says, is a reflection of the company’s own sustainability evolution.
“Since publishing our last Global Sustainability Report in 2018, we have engaged thoughtfully and regularly about how our performance stacks up against our goals,” he explains. “Sustainability is now built into the discussions we have with customers and suppliers and is part of our daily internal dialogue.”
The increased focus on targets has spurred initiatives to collect and align more data, establish new benchmarks and take a more refined approach to targeting strategic impacts in the areas of social responsibility, sustainable supply chains and environmental stewardship.
These efforts have given us the clearest picture yet of the progress we’ve made toward our 2025 goals, which we featured in our Sustainability Report.
The Progress Report uses a new 4-stage measurement system to more easily communicate where we are in each target area, and to hold ourselves accountable for meeting our objectives.
“We are purposefully aspirational and sometimes we are faced with challenges that hinder progress toward our targets,” McDonald says. “But we acknowledge gaps and work toward improvements, driven by our belief that communication and transparency enable progress.”
Below, you will find each of our ambitious global level targets for 2025 and updates on our progress. We share this Progress Report both in the spirit of trust building and because we believe information sharing is critical to sustainability work.
As OSI’s Chief Sustainability Officer Nicole Johnson-Hoffman explains, “With so many independent actors involved in our supply chains, partnership and continued feedback from a diverse group of stakeholders is critically important to refining our sustainability priorities and helping us navigate our path forward.”
In case you missed it: